Tadoba Safaris Price Chart

Tickets Booking in 4-59 Days Monday to Friday Saturday & Sundays
Amount INR 6100 INR 7100
Tickets Booking in 60-120 Days Monday to Friday Saturday & Sundays
Amount INR 9000 INR 13000
Tickets Booking in 01-03 Days (Tatkal) Monday to Sunday N/A
Amount INR 10000 N/A
Safari Booking will be CLOSED after 5:00 PM for Next Day booking.
All Buffer Gates are CLOSED on every Wednesday.
M,E,N in above table stands for Morning, Evening, Night respectively.
Tatkal Booking is available for Core gates only 3 days Prior to Safari.
Terms and Conditions:
The visitors for safari are not allowed to extend the passengers as they will not get the entry in the park.
Go through all the guidelines of Jeep Safari.
Welcome to the Tadoba National Park online safari booking platform. Here, visitors can conveniently reserve Jeep seats in advance through our online service. The entire booking process for Tadoba Safari Jeeps is overseen and managed by the park's forest officials. Safari tours are available in both the core and buffer zones of the park in the stipulated time slots mentioned above.

Tadoba National Park Booking

About Tadoba National Park

Tadoba Andhari Tiger Reserve and Sanctuary is one of the noted wildlife destination popular for Tiger Safari in India. It is located in Chandrapur district which lies in the state of Maharashtra, India. Its name Tadoba has been derived from the Tribal god honoured in this region Taru or Tadoba and the river that flows through the area Andhari. Tadoba National Park is one of the biggest and oldest national parks of Maharashtra which was created in the year 1955 sprawl over an area of approx 1727 square kms. In the year 1986 Andhari Wildlife sanctuary came into existence and later it was diluted with the area of Tadoba National Park. Tadoba National Park currently attracts a large number of wildlife enthusiasts, thanks to the high chances of spotting tigers in nearly every safari zone. This park is home to a diverse range of wildlife, including tigers, panthers, wild boars.

Jeep Safari Jungles of Tadoba

If you wish to explore the dense jungle of Tadoba National Park then Open Jeep Safari is the most feasible option to travel inside the park. Four wheeler open gypsy takes you to the core and buffer tourism zone of the park. Its bio-diversity is unique and definitely you will love sighting apart from Royal Bengal Tigers and different species of reptiles and mammals. Tadoba is an abode of 74 types of colourful butterflies and more than 190 species of avifauna.

Canter Safari : Only Offline Booking at MTDC Moharli Or Kolara Ticket Counter

This is a universal safari in which 22 people can be accommodated at a time.This shared safari or Canter is an open big bus in which there are 2 guides in the canter. Canters are the cost-effective option for safari in the Tadoba National Park. Online booking is not availabe and only offline booking is availabe on the spot at MTDC Counter Moharli or Kolara Gate, most visited zones in Tadoba. The effective visit to Moharli or Kolara core zone via canter safari is priceless as well and it has its own charm. This mini-van will take you to the deep forest and add more value to your Tadoba trip.

tadoba canter safari

Types of Safari Tourism Zone

Core Zones - The Tadoba Core Zone is the heart of Tadoba National Park, famous for its dense forests, abundant biodiversity, and frequent tiger sightings. This zone represents the true wilderness of the park, with no human habitation allowed. It is a crucial area where wildlife and natural resources are carefully conserved and protected by the forest department. The entry gates to the Tadoba Core Zone include Moharli, Kolara, Khutwanda, Navegaon, Zari, and Pangadi.

Buffer Zones - The buffer zone, surrounding the core area of Tadoba National Park is the forested area where villages coexist with wildlife and play a crucial role in involving local villagers in tourism. The buffer zones too offer excellent opportunities for wildlife sightings. Unlike the core zone, the buffer zone remains accessible to tourists year-round, including the monsoon season. The entry gates of Tadoba buffer zones are - Agarari, Devada-Adegaon, Ramdegi, Navegaon, Madnapur, Mamla, Pangadi Aswal Chuha Gate, Srikada, Zari/Peth, Palasgaon, Klara Chauradeo, Kesalghat, Nimdela-Ramdegi, Belara, Alizanza and Adegaon.

tadoba zones
Geographical Details about Tadoba
tadoba map
  • 1. Total Forest Area – 1536 Square Kilometres
  • 2. Core Area – 716 square kilometres
  • 3. Type of Forest – tropical moist, deciduous forests with sal, mixed forest .
  • 4. Rivers – Johilla, janadh, charanganga, Damnar, Banbei, Ambanala and Andhiyari Jhiria
  • 5. Hills – Tadoba hill, rising 811 meters above sea level
  • 6. Temperature – maximum 40 degree Celsius in summer and 8 degree in winter
  • 7. Annual Rainfall – The average rainfall of Tadoba National Park is 1133mm
Road Distance from Tadoba to following Cities
  • 1. Distance from Nagpur 140 km
  • 2. Distance from Pune 742 km
  • 3. Distance from Mumbai 856 km
  • 4. Distance from Gwalior 850 km
  • 5. Distance from Navi Mumbai 858 km
  • 6. Distance from Indore 856 km
  • 7. Distance from Nashik 689 km
  • 8. Distance from Bhopal 500 km
  • 9. Distance from Jabalpur 418 km
  • 10. Distance from Katni 513 km
  • 11. Distance from Hyderabad 447 km
  • 12. Distance from Solapur 576 km
  • 13. Distance from Lucknow – 430 Km
Tadoba National Park History

There was a mythological tale, told in parts about a man who became the sanctity. Taru, a Gond tribal from a respected village confronted a prodigious tiger near a lake in his village. A Ferocious battle between the tiger and the man resulted in a disputed conclusionwhere some say that Taru defeated the tiger while others believe that despite his bravery, Taru was executed by the tiger. Regardless of whatever the tale is the man was considered a legend. A Shrine was also constructed in his memory along with the lake and the surrounding forested area which is known by the name ‘Tadoba’, from the man’s name ‘Taru’.
The Bulletin was then passed in the year 1931 stating that the shooting of tigers is prohibited in the national park and the surrounding protected area. With a total area of 45 km surrounded by Tadoba lake, the area has been declared a sanctuary in 1935. In the year 1942, shooting ranges in Tadoba were declared as the game reserves with Karwa, Kalsa, Moharli, and Mul blocks, and the permits being issued in Karwa and Kalsa blocks.
Gond Kings governed the territory for several centuries as they did ample for central India. It was established by the Marathas during the 18th century following the British period about a century later. The Area was declared a reserved forest in the year 1879 and later, in the year 1955, Tadoba became the earliest national park the same year as the Kanha National Park. Even after passing of the bill, overexploitation, hunting and poaching, and extensive cultivation continued. It was during the 1970s that the four hunting blocks were permanently closed due to continued illegal activities. In the year 1986, an area encompassing about 506.32 sq. km was declared as Andhari Wildlife Sanctuary. And in the year 1993, Tadoba-Andhari Tiger Reserve (TATR) with an area extending up to 622.87 sq. km was established thereby merging the national park and the sanctuary area.

Tadoba is Famous Wildlife Destinations in India

Tadoba is called pride of Maharashtra. Bering the largest as well as oldest wildlife sanctuaries in India, Tadoba is noted for protecting and conserving number of endangered species of Tigers and wild animals. Tadoba is dream destination for wildlife enthusiasts and nature lovers. Blessed with wide variety of flora and fauna, the jungles of Tadoba is cool and calm i.e. enough for travellers to rejuvenate their mind and body. When you visit Tadoba, you are ensuring that you will be able to spot tigers and other wildlife species. The jungle of Tadoba offers a number of opportunities to see Tigers.

Tadoba National Park Safari Zones:-

Moharli Safari Zone :- Moharli is the best known tourism for tiger spotting, popular for giving shelter to the highest density of tiger in its territory. Open Jeep safari is the most feasible option to explore the rich diversity of flora and fauna of the TATR. Jeep safari rides passes through the densely forested area of the park where there is increased chances of spotting the rare wild species of tigers along with the other animals.

Kolara Safari Zone :- The Kolara zone is very much liked for its distinct topography and the greater possibility of spotting rarest of the wild animal species which are comparatively lower in this zone. The Possible entries in this zone are through Madnapur, Shirkheda, Alizanza and Bellara gates.

Khutwanda Safari Zone :- Among the top three core zones of the Tadoba National Park, Khutwanda Safari Zone is one of them, located very close to the Moharli Gate and easily accessible from Nagpur and Chandrapur. It is bordered with the beauty of flora and fauna and a wildlife resort around it.

Navegaon Safari Zone :- Being the best core gate in Tadoba National Park, it is just 140 km away from Nagpur. With the daily permit of six vehicles each morning and evening for tiger safari. It is the home to around 60% bird species which are found in whole Maharashtra.

tadoba safari zones

Zari Safari Zone :- Offering the good and ultimate sight view of the national park, the zari safari zone has its own unique charm and various contributions like staycation nearby along with essential facilities and other such contributions. Also, booking safari from Zari gate will curl you through core and central areas of the tourism zones in Tadoba.

Pangadi Safari Zone :- Through this zone Kolsa range is accessible only from Pangadi gate with the permit of only two jeeps for the morning and afternoon safari.

In short, one can get an idea of the conservation chronology of TATR through the points listed below:

  • 1873- British started planned fire protection in Tadoba
  • 1879- Tadoba is declared as the Reserved Forest
  • 1905- Tiger shooting was prohibited except for blocks with ‘special permits’
  • 1907- First forest rest house was built by Britishers
  • 1931- Restrictions were placed on the shooting of all the animals
  • 1935- 45- A Total of 45 sq. km. of the area covered by the Tadoba lake
  • 1942- Tadoba declared as the game reserves for shooting blocks
  • 1955- Tadoba National Park116.55 sq. km area was notified
  • 1968- Collection of all Non-Timber Forest Produce (NTFP) prohibited
  • 1973- 74- All four hunting blocks closed for hunting
  • 1986- Tendu leaf collection was banned within the national park
  • 1989- Andhari Wildlife Sanctuary was transferred to the Tadoba National Park Division
  • 1992- NTFP collection was wholly banned in Andhari Wildlife Sanctuary
  • 1993- TadobaAndhari Tiger Reserve 622.87 sq. km area notified
  • 1997- Management plan for Tadoba Andhari National Park was approved
  • 1998- 2000-Tiger restrictions were placed on tourists and entry of the people and cattle into TATR
  • 2008- Core area of Tadoba-Andhari Tiger Reserve notified
  • 2010- Buffer area of Tadoba Andhari Tiger Reserve 1127.17 sq. km notified
  • 2013- Unified control of the entire area was handed over to the field director of Tadoba-Andhari Tiger Reserve